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Luke 23:1 - NIV, NAB - in Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV


Luke 23:2 - NIV, NAB - in Constitutions of the Holy Apostles Book V

But they bringing two lying witnesses, wished to accuse the Lord falsely; but they being found to disagree, and so their testimony not conspiring together, they altered the accusation to that of treason, saying, "This fellow says that He is a king, and forbids to give tribute to Caesar."[102]

Luke 23:3 - NIV, NAB - in Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV

"Thou sayest that I am"[1642]

Luke 23:6 - NIV, NAB - in Gospel of Nicodemus I The Acts of Pilate

And Herod, wishing to see also some miracle or other done by Jesus, and not seeing it, and also because He did not answer him a single word, sent Him back again to Pilate.[97]

Luke 23:7 - NIV, NAB - in Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV

by Pilate,[1647]

Luke 23:8 - NIV, NAB - in Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV

Herod was "exceeding glad" when he saw Jesus, but he heard not a word from Him.[1649]

Luke 23:12 - NIV, NAB - in Origen Commentary on Matthew Book XII

Sadducees and Pharisees who disagreed with each other in regard to the most essential truths,-for the Pharisees champion the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead, hoping that there will be a world to come, while the Sadducees know nothing after this life in store for a man whether he has been advancing towards virtue, or has made no effort at all to come out from the mountains of wickedness,-these, I say, agree that they may tempt Jesus. Now, a similar thing, as Luke has narrated,[2]

Luke 23:13 - NIV, NAB - in Tertullian An Answer to the Jews

,"-the clamour whereby it had extorted His surrender to the cross.[310]

Luke 23:14 - NIV, NAB - in Constitutions of the Holy Apostles Book V

in their madness cast upon Him, till it was very early in the morning, and then they lead Him away to Annas, who was father-in-law to Caiaphas; and when they had done the like things to Him there, it being the day of the preparation, they delivered Him to Pilate the Roman governor, accusing Him of many and great things, none of which they could prove. Whereupon the governor, as out of patience with them, said: "I find no cause against Him."[101]

Luke 23:21 - NIV, NAB - in Origen Against Celsus Book VIII

But when he goes on to say that "those who inflicted death upon Jesus suffered nothing afterwards through so long a time," we must inform him, as well as all who are disposed to learn the truth, that the city in which the Jewish people called for the crucifixion of Jesus with shouts of" Crucify him, crucify him,"[93]

Luke 23:21 - NIV, NAB - in Constitutions of the Holy Apostles Book V

And themselves became accusers, and witnesses, and judges, and authors of the sentence, saying, "Crucify Him, crucify Him; "[103]

Luke 23:21 - NIV, NAB - in Origen Commentary on Matthew Book XII

happened in the case of Herod and Pilate, who became friends with one another that they might kill Jesus; for, perhaps, their hostility with one another would have prevented Herod from asking that He should be put to death, in order to please the people, who said, "Crucify Him, Crucify Him,"[3]

Luke 23:25 - NIV, NAB - in Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV

Then Barabbas, the most abandoned criminal, is released, as if he were the innocent man; while the most righteous Christ is delivered to be put to death, as if he were the murderer.[1653]

Luke 23:26 - NIV, NAB - in Pseudo-Tertullian Against All Heresies

but by the above-named Abraxas; and to have come in a phantasm, and been destitute of the substance of flesh: that it was not He who suffered among the Jews, but that Simon[20]

Luke 23:26 - NIV, NAB - in Origen Commentary on Matthew Book XII

But the Jesus according to John, so to speak, bears the cross for Himself, and bearing it went out; but the Jesus according to Matthew and Mark and Luke, does not bear it for Himself, for Simon of Cyrene bears it.[170]

Luke 23:31 - NIV, NAB - in Tertullian On Repentance

the waters, is perennial in leaves, bears fruit at its own time,"[29]

Luke 23:33 - NIV, NAB - in Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV

Moreover two malefactors are crucified around Him, in order that He might be reckoned amongst the transgressors.[1654]

Luke 23:34 - NIV, NAB - in Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians

but prayed for His enemies, "Father, forgive them; they know not what they do."[82]

Luke 23:34 - NIV, NAB - in Irenaeus Against Heresies Book III

And from this fact, that He exclaimed upon the cross, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do,"[348]

Luke 23:34 - NIV, NAB - in Archelaus Acts of the Disputation with the Heresiarch Manes

and here, our Lord Jesus prayed that the Pharisees might be pardoned, when He said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."[531]

Luke 23:34 - NIV, NAB - in Constitutions of the Holy Apostles Book II

For our Saviour Himself entreated His Father for those who had sinned, as it is written in the Gospel: "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."[88]

Luke 23:34 - NIV, NAB - in Constitutions of the Holy Apostles Book V

And a little afterward, when He had cried with a loud voice, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do,"[114]

Luke 23:34 - NIV, NAB - in Recognitions of Clement VI

Wherefore, in short, the Master Himself, when He was being led to the cross by those who knew Him not, prayed the Father for His murderers, and said, `Father, forgive their sin, for they know not what they do!'[7]

Luke 23:34 - NIV, NAB - in Clementine Homily XI

, prayed to the Father that the sin of those who slew Him might be forgiven, saying, `Father, forgive them their sins, for they know not what they do.'[8]

Luke 23:34 - NIV, NAB - in Gospel of Nicodemus I The Acts of Pilate

Then Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying: Father, let not this sin stand against them; for they know not what they do.[106]

Luke 23:34 - NIV, NAB - in Of the Journeyings of Philip the Apostle

, was made to drink gall and vinegar, and said, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.[14]

Luke 23:39 - NIV, NAB - in Tertullian On Modesty

Who has redeemed another's death by his own, but the Son of God alone? For even in His very passion He set the robber free.[290]

Luke 23:39 - NIV, NAB - in Constitutions of the Holy Apostles Book V

when those malefactors saw that were crucified with Him the one of them reproached Him as though He was weak and unable to deliver Himself; but the other rebuked the ignorance of his fellow and turning to the Lord, as being enlightened by Him, and acknowledging who He was that suffered, he prayed that He would remember him in His kingdom hereafter.[112]

Luke 23:39 - NIV, NAB - in Gospel of Nicodemus I The Acts of Pilate

And turning to Jesus, he says to Him: Lord, when Thou shalt reign do not forget me. And He said to him: To-day, I tell thee truth, I shall have thee in paradise with me.[109]

Luke 23:42 - NIV, NAB - in Gospel of Nicodemus II The Descent of Christ into Hell

Immediately He accepted my entreaty, and said to me, Amen; I say to thee, To-day shalt thou be with me in paradise.[67]

Luke 23:43 - NIV, NAB - in Tertullian On Repentance

to his own paradise,[116]

Luke 23:43 - NIV, NAB - in The Narrative of Joseph

And the robber having thus spoken, Jesus says to him: Amen, amen; I say to thee, Demas, that to-day thou shalt be with me in paradise.[11]

Luke 23:43 - NIV, NAB - in Origen Commentary on John Book X

but every one in his own order, Christ the first fruits, then they that are Christ's at His coming, and then the end." It belongs to the resurrection that one should be on the first day in the paradise of God,[114]

Luke 23:44 - NIV, NAB - in Tertullian An Answer to the Jews

(and when did it "shudder exceedingly" except at the passion of Christ, when the earth also trembled to her centre, and the veil of the temple was rent, and the tombs were burst asunder?[284]

Luke 23:44 - NIV, NAB - in Tertullian On Fasting

And so the "pressure" must be maintained up to that hour in which the orb-involved from the sixth hour in a general darkness-performed for its dead Lord a sorrowful act of duty; so that we too may then return to enjoyment when the universe regained its sunshine.[83]

Luke 23:44 - NIV, NAB - in Origen Against Celsus Book II

nclusion what was designed against him? "Now to this question, although we are able to show the striking and miraculous character of the events which befell Him, yet from what other source can we furnish an answer than from the Gospel narratives, which state that "there was an earthquake, and that the rocks were split asunder, and the tombs opened, and the veil of the temple rent in twain from top to bottom, and that darkness prevailed in the day-time, the sun failing to give light? "[81]

Luke 23:44 - NIV, NAB - in Gospel of Nicodemus I The Acts of Pilate

And Longinus, the centurion who stood by, said: Truly this was a son of God. Others coming and seeing Him, beat their breasts from fear, and again turned back.[111]

Luke 23:45 - NIV, NAB - in Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV

the veil of. the temple was rent"[1665]

Luke 23:46 - NIV, NAB - in Dialogue of Justin

For when Christ was giving up His spirit on the cross, He said, `Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit, '[408]

Luke 23:46 - NIV, NAB - in Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV

, laboured to present to us the very Christ! He calls with a loud voice to the Father, "Into Thine hands I commend my spirit,"[1668]

Luke 23:46 - NIV, NAB - in Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV

that even when dying He might expend His last breath in fulfilling the prophets. Having said this, He gave up the ghost."[1669]

Luke 23:46 - NIV, NAB - in Tertullian Against Praxeas

and again, (in the third Gospel, ) "Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit."[355]

Luke 23:46 - NIV, NAB - in Tertullian Against Praxeas

He commends His spirit into the hands of the Father.[381]

Luke 23:46 - NIV, NAB - in Constitutions of the Holy Apostles Book V

He had vinegar and gall to drink; and when He had fulfilled all things that were written, He said to His God and Father, "Into Thy hands I commend my spirit."[18]

Luke 23:46 - NIV, NAB - in Constitutions of the Holy Apostles Book V

and had added, "Into Thy hands I commit my spirit," He gave up the ghost,[115]

Luke 23:46 - NIV, NAB - in Gospel of Nicodemus I The Acts of Pilate

And crying out with a loud voice, Jesus said: Father, Baddach Ephkid Ruel, which is, interpreted: Into Thy hands I commit my spirit.[36]

Luke 23:46 - NIV, NAB - in Gospel of Nicodemus I The Acts of Pilate

Then Jesus, crying out with a loud voice, Father, into Thy hands I shall commit my spirit, breathed His last.[110]

Luke 23:47 - NIV, NAB - in Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV

there was nothing to beg of Pilate, nothing to take down from the cross, nothing to wrap in the linen, nothing to lay in the new sepulchre.[1677]

Luke 23:48 - NIV, NAB - in The Teaching of Addaeus the Apostle

of their city, nor would they have brought down Woe! upon themselves.[27]

Luke 23:51 - NIV, NAB - in Tertullian Against Marcion Book IV

That same Joseph "who had not consented" with the Jews in their crime?[1680]

Luke 23:53 - NIV, NAB - in Origen Against Celsus Book II

But, for the present, it is sufficient to notice the clean linen in which the pure body of Jesus was to be enwrapped, and the new tomb which Joseph had hewn out of the rock, where "no one was yet lying,"[180]

Luke 23:53 - NIV, NAB - in Origen Against Celsus Book II

-and in the statement of Luke and John,[183]

Luke 23:56 - NIV, NAB - in Dionysius Extant Fragments Part I

Now, upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared; and they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre."[152]

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