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Acts 14:4 - NIV, NAB - in Didache

But concerning the apostles and prophets, according to the decree of the Gospel, thus do. 4. Let every apostle that cometh to you be received as the Lord.[105]

Acts 14:10 - NIV, NAB - in Tertullian The Prescription Against Heretics

Suppose now we revolve in our minds the superstitions of Numa Pompilius, and consider his priestly offices and badges and privileges, his sacrificial services, too, and the instruments and vessels of the sacrifices themselves, and the curious rites of his expiations and vows: is it not clear to us that the devil imitated the well-known[425]

Acts 14:12 - NIV, NAB - in Shepherd of Hermas Similitude Tenth

After he had spoken with me he rose up from the couch, and taking the Shepherd and the virgins, he departed. But he said to me that he would send back the Shepherd and the virgins to my dwelling. Amen.[9]

Acts 14:12 - NIV, NAB - in Acts of Sharbil

Abgar the king also, who was older than this Abgar, who himself worshippeth idols as well as thou, he too believed in the King Christ, the Son of Him whom thou callest Lord of all the gods.[12]

Acts 14:15 - NIV, NAB - in Irenaeus Against Heresies Book III

ods because of the astonishing deed, he said to them: "We are men like unto you, preaching to you God, that ye may be turned away from these vain idols to [serve] the living God, who made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are therein; who in times past suffered all nations to walk in their own ways, although He left not Himself without witness, performing acts of goodness, giving you rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling your hearts with food and gladness."[203]

Acts 14:15 - NIV, NAB - in Tertullian On Repentance

Since there is no exception which defends from liability to penalty even such as are ignorant of the Lord-because ignorance of God, openly as He is set before men, and comprehensible as He is even on the score of His heavenly benefits, is not possible[42]

Acts 14:22 - NIV, NAB - in Epistle of Barnabas

Thus also, says He, "Those who wish to behold Me, and lay hold of My kingdom, must through tribulation and suffering obtain Me."[97]

Acts 14:22 - NIV, NAB - in Peter of Alexandria Canonical Epistle

For what they set before themselves, first and foremost, was to do the work of an evangelist, and to teach the Word of God, in which, confirming the brethren, that they might continue in the faith, they said this also, "that we must out of much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God."[33]

Acts 14:23 - NIV, NAB - in Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book VI

Such an one is in reality a presbyter of the Church, and a true minister (deacon) of the will of God, if he do and teach what is the Lord's; not as being ordained[188]

Acts 14:23 - NIV, NAB - in Archelaus Acts of the Disputation with the Heresiarch Manes

that is, the foundation of the Church and has put us in trust of the law, ordaining ministers, and presbyters,[647]

Acts 14:23 - NIV, NAB - in Didache

Chapter XV.[129]

Acts 14:27 - NIV, NAB - in Dionysius Extant Fragments Part II

And in Cephro indeed a considerable church sojourned with us, composed partly of the brethren who followed us from the city, and partly of those who joined us from Egypt. There, too, did God open to us a door[91]

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